Highland Fling III – June 2017 Date: 15/05/2017Author: Graham Wood “Highland Fling III” will be a relaxing 12 day Touring Holiday of the Orkney Isles, Isle of Skye and Scotland, with 4 free days to do as you wish. THERE IS NOW A PLACE AVAILABLE AGAIN ON THIS SPECTACULAR TOUR......
Maserati Global Gathering March 18 – Update Date: 12/05/2017Author: John Gove The Maserati Global Gathering in Australia is now less than 1 year away and the organising team need to finalise registrations.....
Anyone with a 1996 Ghibli GT? Date: 11/05/2017Author: Graham Wood Autocar are producing an article which will feature a 1996 Ghibli GT and require some images....
FORMULA VINTAGE – ROUND 1 – SILVERSTONE Date: 30/04/2017Author: Dave Smith This year the popular “Spring Start” race meeting at Silverstone was renamed “Formula Vintage” and held over 2 days - 22nd & 23rd April.
The Petrol Levante is here! Date: 29/04/2017Author: Maserati UK Maserati GB is pleased to announce the arrival of the petrol engine Levante SUV to the UK, joining the Diesel version which was launched last year.
Classics at the Villa Date: 18/04/2017Author: Graham Wood Sunday 14th May at Villa Scalabrini, Shenley, Herts. Fast cars and slow food!